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eLocal Overview

3 min read

Learn about how eLocal Pro can help you take ultimate control over your local delivery and pick up at store. eLocal Pro is a highly customizable and easy-to-use delivery and pick up solution that helps you make more money, at a great price. eLocal Pro allows store owners to customize delivery zones, set blocked dates, and cut-off times, and much more. eLocal Pro creates a widget on the product page that lets customers schedule deliveries and pick-ups – Buy Online Pick Up In Store (BOPIS) at the product level, giving you more control while giving your customers more choices.

App Features #

Local Delivery / Pick Up At Store / Shipping: #

  • Create custom delivery zones by postal code
  • Create daily cut-off times based on postal codes
  • Block the days, weeks, holidays, or custom days you don’t deliver on
  • Create no delivery zones (postal codes you don’t deliver to)
  • Your delivery Zones automatically pulled in from BigCommerce
  • Set the days of the week, holidays, and custom days that you allow delivery to your certain location
  • Create pick-up time slots so you know exactly when your customer is arriving
  • Pick up in-store order limit setting
  • You control the day you ship your FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc… and when it’s delivered
  • Charge customers extra for delivery on specific days (Rush Delivery option)

General: #

  • Allow only local delivery, only pick up, and only shipping or any combination of the three
  • Need preparation time before you have your products delivered, picked up, or shipped?
    No problem, eLocal Pro can do this for all your products and it even works at the single product level
  • A custom checkout experience that adds: a Pick Up In Store option, a default country set, and control over the Billing Same As Shipping area.
  • Allow multiple deliveries and pick up dates or have the customer enter their information once instead of each item
  • Set a cookie that empties the cart after a certain amount of time that you set. This is convenient for when someone leaves an item in the cart and tries to come back and order it past the daily cut-off time
  • A countdown timer to encourage conversions for same-day deliveries
  • Text overwrites for widget and checkout default wording
  • Set a minimum amount in order to checkout
  • Shared Modifiers In Bulk To Product Option Customizations
  • FREE Training and set-up support

Widget Design: #

  • Customize your product page delivery/pick up widget to match your brand
  • Add a custom message above the widget to communicate better with your customer

Automatic Add-ons: #

  • Automatically add a product(s) / extra charges according to the date chosen
  • Create product kits that automatically add to the shopping cart
  • Automatically add a product(s) according to the fulfillment method, local delivery, pick up, and/or shipping

Inventory Control: #

  • Easily set your inventory to either be delivered locally, picked up, shipped, or a combination of any of the three
  • Custom messaging to the customer depending on the fulfillment method
  • Easy bulk editing

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