Epic Updates

During busy holidays there is no time to change products, create new banners, and make seasonal coupons. Epic Updates makes maintaining your website a breeze! For just $159/month we do the work for you. It is your personal website concierge service. If you have a special event or holiday coming up, just let us know what you need in advance and it will be ready. Whether it involves creating a custom banner for a promotion, coupon codes or product changes, Epic Updates is here to make maintaining your website easier.


Epic Updates Store AnalyticsNot only do we help keep your website in tip top shape, but we continually make store-wide conversion-friendly updates. We’re committed to keeping our clients up-to-date on customer purchasing behavior. We look at in-store search analytics to see exactly what online shoppers are searching for and what they like or don’t like, and we make customized changes based on their behavior.  This is important because you no longer have to spend valuable time and effort on products and promotions that don’t sell. Let’s say you have a great promotion on Roses, such as “buy a dozen, get a dozen free” and you even put a banner on your home page highlighting that promotion, but customers are clicking on the “Valentine’s Day” category twice as often. You’re still getting sales in both categories, but with that information we make a Valentine’s Day Banner instead and now customers are clicking on that category 5x more often. Knowing the behavior of your customers allows you to more specifically target them and increase sales/conversions. 

Epic Updates Giveaway ContestEpic Updates also allows you to be in our Kindle Fire giveaway contest. Each season, one florist will be randomly chosen and two Kindle Fires will be awarded. One will go to the florist, and the other, to a lucky customer of theirs. This encourages customers to buy without all the “red tape” and fine print gimmicks. As long as a customer purchases a product from your store, they are entered to win. How easy is that! 

So, for only $159/month Epic Updates allows you to change/add/edit products seasonally, create (weekly, monthly, etc) promotions and coupons, create banners, track customer shopping behavior and customize your store based on that behavior, and so much more. You can also include not only your store, but your customers in our Seasonal Giveaway Contest. Epic Updates not only makes managing and updating your store easy, but more successful.  

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