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Choosing the Right BigCommerce Theme: A Comprehensive Guide for Online Entrepreneurs

person browsing a travel website built using one of the BigCommerce themes in the marketplace

Written by Noreen

June 26, 2024

What would happen if a customer stumbles upon your online store? Answer honestly, do you think they would be satisfied or would they be confused? 

Browsing online is like walking into a physical shop—the first impression matters. A cluttered mess won’t prompt the customer to continue shopping, but a sleek, user-friendly experience? Now that’s a recipe for customer capture (and happy returns).

BigCommerce themes are an essential part of making customers look, stay, and buy. We made this guide to help you convert by teaching you how to navigate the theme marketplace and choose a web design that looks stunning and matches your business needs perfectly.

BigCommerce Themes: Your Online Store’s Customizable Canvas

BigCommerce themes are like an online store’s canvas—the foundation upon which eCommerce websites are built.

But what exactly is a BigCommerce theme? Let’s take a look:

  • Pre-designed templates: Think of them as pre-built shops, ready to be stocked with your amazing products. Themes give your store a foundation and a starting point for your design vision.
  • Customization without the code/sweat: Don’t worry, you won’t need a computer science degree! Themes are designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to personalize the look and feel without getting tangled in complex coding.
  • Benefits galore: Themes are a win-win. They’re cost-effective, saving you precious time and resources. Plus, most themes are already mobile-friendly, ensuring your store looks fantastic on any device. And let’s not forget the built-in functionalities like shopping carts and product pages—essential ingredients for a smooth customer journey!

Now that you know the theme basics, let’s discover the perfect fit for your online store!

Important Features of BigCommerce Themes

We’ve talked about themes as your online store’s canvas, but a blank canvas needs some extra ingredients to come alive! Here’s where those important features in BigCommerce themes come in—they’re the tools that will help you personalize your theme and create an exceptional shopping experience for your shoppers.

Let’s unlock some of them: 

  • Responsive design: Remember that first impression we talked about? Well, responsiveness makes sure your website stays stellar no matter the device. A responsive theme ensures your store looks fantastic on desktops, tablets, and even smartphones, so customers are happy and engaged wherever they shop.
  • Customization options: Don’t want your store to look like everyone else’s? No problem! Themes offer a range of customization options, allowing you to tweak layouts, colors, and fonts to match your brand identity. Think of it as adding your personal touch to the pre-built shop!
  • UX features: A smooth user experience (UX) is the secret for happy customers (and more sales!). Look for themes with features like fast loading times, easy navigation that lets customers find what they need in a flash, and a streamlined checkout process that gets them through the buying journey quickly and painlessly.
  • SEO friendliness: Want your store to climb the search engine rankings and get discovered by more customers? Themes with built-in SEO tools can help! These tools can optimize your store’s structure and content, making it more search engine friendly and attracting more organic traffic.

Finding Your Perfect Match: Choosing the Right BigCommerce Theme

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of key features, it’s time for the fun part: finding your online store’s perfect match!  But with so many themes out there, how do you narrow it down? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here’s a roadmap to guide you:

Step 1:  Know thyself (and thy business!)

Before you start browsing themes like a kid in a candy store, take a step back and consider your business needs. This is where self-reflection (and maybe a business plan refresher) comes in handy.

Here are some key questions to ponder:

  • Product catalog size: Are you a one-person show with a handful of handcrafted treasures, or do you boast a vast inventory with hundreds (or thousands) of products? The size and complexity of your catalog can influence the theme you choose.
  • Essential functionalities: Do you need special features like booking appointments, video integration, or advanced product filtering? Make a list of your must-have functionalities to ensure the theme you choose can handle them all.

Step 2:  Decode your target audience

Think of your target audience as the characters who will star in your online store’s story. Knowing what their preferences and behaviors are will help you choose a theme that resonates with them.

For example, if you’re selling trendy clothing to millennials, a theme with a bold, modern aesthetic might be ideal. On the other hand, if you’re catering to a more traditional audience seeking luxury furniture, a theme with a classic and elegant feel might be a better fit.

Step 3: Competitive spy games (But the ethical kind!)

A little friendly competition never hurt anyone (well, maybe the competitor!). Take a peek at your industry leaders and see what themes they’re rocking. This can give you valuable insights into current trends and features that resonate with your target audience.

Step 4:  Test drive before you buy

Many themes offer demo options, allowing you to see how they function with your content and brand identity. Don’t be shy—take a few themes for a spin!  This hands-on approach will help you get a feel for the theme’s ease of use and customization options, ensuring you choose one that truly complements your vision.

Customization vs. Pre-built Themes: Which One’s for You?

Now, you understand what BigCommerce themes are and what they can do. But a question might be brewing: Should you go pre-built or venture into custom development territory?

Here’s a breakdown to help you decide:

Pre-built themes: The ready-to-rock option

Pre-built themes are like those amazing pre-made meals—delicious, convenient, and perfect for various situations. Here are some scenarios where they shine:

  • Budget: Let’s face it, budgets have a way of keeping us grounded. Pre-built themes are generally a cost-effective option, allowing you to create a stunning online store without breaking the bank.
  • Turnaround time: Time is of the essence? Pre-built themes offer a quick and easy way to launch your store. With minimal setup required, you can be up and running in no time, ready to start those sales rolling in.
  • Basic customization needs: Do you have a clear vision but don’t require extensive modifications? Pre-built themes often offer a range of customization options for colors, fonts, and layouts, allowing you to personalize your store without needing to delve into complex coding.

Custom development: Crafting a bespoke experience

Sometimes, you need something truly unique, and that’s where custom development comes in.  Think of it as having a tailor craft a suit specifically for you—it’ll fit perfectly and reflect your individual style. Here’s when custom development might be the better choice:

  • Your own branding: Does your business have specific requirements that can’t be met with pre-built themes? Custom development allows you to create a one-of-a-kind online store experience that perfectly reflects your brand and caters to your specific needs.
  • A flexible budget: If budget isn’t a major constraint, custom development can be a great option. Here, the sky’s the limit—you can create advanced functionalities and features that set your store apart from the competition.
  • Advanced functionality: Do you need features like complex product filtering or a custom booking system? Custom development allows you to integrate these functionalities seamlessly to create a truly dynamic online store experience.

Ultimately, the choice between pre-built themes and custom development depends on your specific needs and resources. The best option is always the one that allows you to create an online store that’s both stunning and functional and customized to your brand and target audience.

Ready to Craft an EPIC eCommerce Store?

Now that you’ve explored the world of BigCommerce themes, it’s time to choose the perfect one for your online store. Epic offers a wide selection of stunning, pre-built themes to get you started quickly. Need something truly unique? We also specialize in custom theme development, crafting a bespoke experience that reflects your brand perfectly.

Let’s create an online store that wows your customers and drives sales—contact us today!

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