Easy Checkout Process Keeps Customers Coming Back

ecommerce-checkout-experienceThere’s nothing more frustrating than a horrible online checkout experience. After finding the perfect product at a decent price, only to be forced into creating user accounts, newsletter signups you weren’t asked about and no payment options – it’s more than enough to make customers panic and run! And they will! In fact, almost 40% of consumers, (econsultancy.com) will leave a checkout without purchasing simply if the process takes too long. Just as shoppers in a brick and mortar store search for the shortest checkout line, online shoppers expect a quick and easy eCommerce checkout process.

Luckily, with an epicFlowers eCommerce website, a one-page simple checkout is built-in. A one-page checkout process is important because it is easy on the consumer. A linear, easy to follow checkout can significantly improve conversion rates. Not only does it make the checkout process less distracting, it allows for a much faster purchasing process. Customers don’t have to wait for several pages to load to complete a purchase.

guest-checkout-exampleepicFlowers eCommerce websites also make the checkout process easy by allowing guest checkout. Forcing customers to sign-up and create an account to complete a purchase results in high abandoned cart rates. Customers have enough passwords to remember already without having to add another one to the list. According to econsultancy.com over 25% of customers would abandon their carts if they had to register an account before buying. For this reason, epicFlowers websites allow guest checkout, increasing the potential for happy customers and more profit.

Another potential profit booster in the checkout process includes payment options. With an epicFlowers website, you can offer various payment options, including Paypal. Paypal is currently the most popular online gateway, processing 60% of total online transactions. (http://www.coxblue.com/) Offering more than 1 payment option not only makes checking out easy for customers who don’t like to use their credit cards online, but it also makes your company more credible to consumers. In fact, 40% of consumers have move confidence in an online store that allows for more than one payment method. (http://www.coxblue.com/)

epicFlowers is committed to creating a pleasant online shopping and purchasing experience because it reinforces your brand and keeps your customers coming back. A satisfied customer is a returning customer. 

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